Hermit "Interviews"
Hi! If you're on this site then you must have found my small collection of hermit-related/hermit-adjacent paraphernalia.
If you're curious why such a thing exists, please know it was made for a nonfiction class I'm taking as a sophomore in college. We were asked to archive knowledge about a subject-of-interest, and I decided my subject-of-interest would be social reclusion. I'm also currently learning front-end code like html and css, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone by presenting my archive/creative project through neocities.
If you are on this site and you're not my professor, then I assume you somehow found this site by poking around neocities. If so I deeply commend you, and I offer nothing but kind tidings. If you are my professor, then all I can say is this:
Hi Wyatt!!!! :D
What you're looking at right now is the home page for the creative part of my archive project. Essentially, an attempt to turn the marginalia of my accumulated paraphernalia into a pleasing display that...does something cool...
If you're wondering why my subject-of-interest relates to hermits, understand that it all started with a wikipedia rabbit hole of epic proportions. Social reclusion interests me because I sometimes find it difficult to be alive in social environments. I assume you also understand this difficulty.
Maybe. Probably.
To any neocities lovlies: I hope you enjoy!
To Prof. Wyatt: I would say this is A+ material for sure. Please consider.